Hart of Dixie
- Genre: Comedy Drama
- Channel: The CW
- Main Female Character: Dr. Zoe Hart played by Rachel Bilson
- Main Male Character: Wade Kinsella, played by Wilson Bethel
- Antagonist of Dr. Zoe: Dr. Bertram “Brick” (played by Tim Matheson)
- Location: the fictional town Bluebell in Alabama
- Seasons: 4 . The series ended in 2015
Dr. Zoe Hart decides to accept an offer to work as a general practitioner in the little town of Bluebell, Alabama, leaving her dreams of becoming a heart surgeon after 4 years in a New York hospital.
In Bluebell she finds a new family and discovers more about her past. Also, Zoe finds herself involved in a love triangle between George Tucker (played by Scott Porter) and Wade Kinsella (played by Wilson Bethel). Who is going to steal her heart?!
You have to watch the whole series to discover the real love of Dr. Hart! Why not binge-watch it?!
Also read: Sweet Magnolias

Virgin River
- Genre: Romance drama
- Channel: Netflix
- Main Female Character: Nurse Melinda Monroe, played by Alexandra Breckenridge
- Main Male Character: Jack Sheridan, played by Martin Henderson
- Antagonist of Nurse Mel: Doc Mullins (played by Tim Matheson)
- Location: the fictional town Virgin River in California
- Seasons: the series has been renewed for season 2
The first season of the show talks about Melinda Monroe, who goes to work as a nurse in the remote California town of Virgin River where she has the chance to start a new life and leave her painful memories behind. She soon discovers that small-town living isn’t quite as she expected, and that she must be patient, before she can truly make Virgin River her home.
Martin Henderson co-stars with A. Breckenridge playing Jack Sheridan, a sharp-witted ex-Marine commander who moved to the small town after his service was over in search of a peaceful life. They soon became friends and not only….He builds a house for Mel, persuading her not to leave.
We cannot wait for season 2 to see if their love story will survive!
Also read: Bridgerton VS Gossip Girl

What’s new ? What’s old?
A new title, a new town, different characters, but… same story?!
When the first pics about Virgin River came out, it reminded us immediately something about Everwood, didn’t it? The landscape, the river, the mountain…
It seems like something we have already watched. Also, inside the plot there is not only a little bit of Everwood, but also we can find a lot of similarities with Hart of Dixie, and the receipt is really well done.
Just from the beginning it is evident the character of Tim Matheson, who changed his name from Dr. Bertram “Brick” in H.o.D. to Doctor Mullins in V. River. What a coincidence! His role is more or less the same in both TV Series. He is the official Doctor in town who doesn’t want to be substituted by “the new entry”. So he tries everything not to be removed from his role.
Looking at the main character we can see nurse Mel, who arrives in the little town of V.R. just like Dr. Hart arrived in Bluebell. Both are disoriented, have something that want to forget and both lost someone (Mel lost her husband, while Zoe lost her dad). They would like to restart their own life, meet someone to fell in love with and grow up their career. Will they succeed?
Also read: Romantic TV series to binge-watch
Nothing but a man, who seduce the female character! There he is, the knight we were waiting for, who arrives to mess all up! Both Zoe and Mel, at the beginning of the show meet the man who they will fall in love with.

Hart of Dixie – Wade and Zoe

Virgin River – Jack and Mel
Watching Virgin River you would like to know more and more about Mel, her past and if her new relationship will go somewhere. The episodes guides you across her past and her present day life, looking at her future and increasing your interest about the events, even if the plot is more or less the same you have already watched in Hart of Dixie.
So, is Virgin River worth watching? Or will it just be a mix of ingredients well cooked? The last word to you… leave a comment below!
I just watched the first episode of V.R. I have watched the entire H.O.D series twice. I definitely noticed the similarities, but some differences, V.R. Seems to be more “mature” and lacks the humor H.O.D had. H.O.D could often be cheesy with their characters and plot but definitely had me laughing out loud, (the good kind of cheese). I hope VR has some comic aspects to it.
Thank you for time in writing this article.
Hi Sarah,
thank you for your kind comment. Really appreciated.
We hope that the second season of V.R. will delight us with some humor, too!
Also, I cannot wait to learn more about the past of each characters.
Keep following us Sarah! Thank you!
Ugh yes I noticed this too! Not sure I want to continue watching VR
Hi Kazia,
thank you for your comment.
Let’s try and go on with V.R. too, then we will see if it’s worth it or not! 🙂
I loved Hart of Dixie and have seen a number of the same actors used in VR ; the dr, same woman as the townie who keeps the dr.in line, the guy in charge of the people in the woods.Also used a broken down cabin as housing for the newcomer. What’s with the copy of Hart of Dixie? Did the producers run out of ideas for a new show? Weird dejavu as I am watching.
i also noticed that the doctors office is eerily similar, dare I say the same. I never saw Hart of Dixie. I did see Virgin River and will watch more if more comes, I was looking form something on Netflix and saw HOD, and as soon as i saw the office i thought that is exaclly the same as VR, then Tim Matheson, who I love came on and more and more I saw the similarities. Will be binge watching HOD now.
Hi Stella,
thanks for your comment! Nice to read that you just started HOD and loved it.
I made the opposite, watched whole HOD then started VR on Netflix last year and noted the similarities, above all about doc’s office 🙂
so virgin river copied hod
Most probably just inspired or something, but there are a lot of similarities, aren’t there!?
Have you watched VR too?
Just watched first two episodes of hod. It is eerily similar to VR. I think VR is better.
I think the writers must be the same. Both shows include an episode where characters are discovered to be suffering from organophosphate poisoning. Coincidence? I think not. I watched Virgin River before H o D and enjoy VR more only because it is marginally more realistic from a medical perspective. I couldn’t believe it when watching H.O.D. and saw that the doctor was the same actor. I’m currently Watching the episode where Zoe is desperately trying to drum up patients before Thanksgiving. It’s such an absurd premise that I turned it off. I’ll turn it back on again when I can suppress my BS meter again.
Hi Jenny, I can understand your point of view. I had the same reaction watching VR and thinking about HOD.
Creators are different, even if there are lots of similarities!
Interesting story. My wife and I aren’t much of cable watchers…never had the time. We’re house sitting on weekends for the summer and they don’t have regular tv, just Netflix. We stumbled on Virgin River and were hooked! We binged the entire first season in 2 days and can’t wait for season 2. Well, here we are again this weekend and up pops Hart of Dixie and we start watching and it’s eerily similar and then Tim Matheson enters as the doctor and our jaws drop.
Yes, we kept watching and probably will continue. I’ll say that my wife LOVES Hallmark movies and I thought VR was Hallmarkesque, but not as cheesy. HoD is closer to that mark, plus she likes it better because she’s from the South.
Hi Earl! Happy to read you liked Virgin River; it’s based on Robyn Carr’s novels, so waiting for season 2 you could read the books!
There are lots of similarities between VR and HOD, but I suggest you to go on and watch the whole series of Hart of Dixie. It’s funny, romantic, and lively. Also, it’s been released years before VR ( in 2011), so I think it deserves a chance!
So Virgin River stole the doctor and copied H of D?
also Wade and Jack, both bartenders. Just started VR, have wstched HOD twice. HoD definately more comical and fun, but can’t wait to see where VR goes
Did Tim Mathison realize he is playing the same character in both series .. They are exact parallels… the hot guy who has a girlfriend really goes for the new girl in Town with the medical career. This can not be coincidence.. Too many similarities with young medical single woman moving to a small town… sounds like someone stole the story and the other story just did their version of it because the other one copied it. They question is who copied it.
good question! you are right!
I have watched both and love both, but I will say VR is better.
Is it just me or does Jacks bar from VR look exactly like the rammer jammer from HOD?!
yeah, more or less it’s the same!!
They also have very similar first episodes, with a young pregnant lady being the first chance for the female lead to show her strengths, plus older female secondary character being the driving force of getting the doctor to accept the new gal.
Omg! Similarities check… Let’s see… Assistant to the town doctor shows up to a small town, check! Hot bar dude falls for said chick, check! Same town doctor, check! Said doctor that doesn’t want help with a superior attitude, check! Ugly run down living quarters, check! First person she shows off her experience is pregnant, check! Need I go on? Imma watch it because I like the similarities and though I duper love HOD for its wonderful cheesiness, I can also appreciate the maturity of VR. It’s like a remake with less sense of humor. 😂
HOD was perhaps the most entertaining series I have ever watched! Every character was an actual “character”. There were more partnership triangles than you could count and until the last episodes of the last season they kept you guessing who would end up with who. You will probably smile or laugh the entire time watching this. They also ended HOD at it’s peak with a great finish without trying to drag it out. VR is a standard boring predictable sappy soap opera. I can’t imagine watching this unless you’re an invalid in a nursing home. Sorry VR.
“VR is a standard boring predictable sappy soap opera. ” that’s funny ! 🙂
I liked VR even if I am not a nurse, but I do agree with you about HOD: entertaining from every point of view (more than HOD)!
Both lead characters are coming out of a serious relationship (widowed/dumped) and in need of a clean slate/ change of scenery. Both Zoe & Mel (3 letter names) have a very persistent family member constantly trying to get them to come back home. In both shows the mayors are very hands on in community, more than usual. Also both Zoe & Mel are tenants of the mayors and develop a close friendship with them. There are an unbelievable amount of similarities but I don’t think either one ripped the other off. I think it’s just coincidence and the creators just know what we love!
After reading the comments I’m super shocked so many people loved HoD as much as I did! I didn’t think it was as popular but I’ve watched and rewatched it a few times! (It’s Wade/Zoe that keeps drawing me back! I love them!) I hated how rushed the ending was and wish they’d do some kind of follow up final season or something but I know that’s a long shot.
Just started VR. WOW. Think this is gonna be a winner. LOVED HOD! I think Tim Mathieson not only acts in both but directs. He has always been one of my favorite TV actors.
I loved HOD. I just happen to find VR and thought it was a spin-off with same doctor and other similarities. HOD was great but I will give VR a chance. The characters on HOD was so well rounded and the show made be laugh and smile. Hopefully VR it gets better as it goes along
So many people here commenting “who copied who”? HoD came out about ten years ago, so that answers that.
Yes, HOD came out in 2014 before VR. However, the VR book was written in 2007 sooo…
I watched the trailer on Netflix and was like, are you seriously kidding me? You even took Brick and made him play the same exact character? Lol! I have watched Hart of Dixie three times over, and would probably watch again in a couple of years. As much as I love Riggs from Grey’s Anatomy, I can’t imagine watching VR when it feels like nearly every single piece of the plot is exactly the same, yet inevitably more boring. Lmao. HOD for life!
It is the same doctor, it is the same doctors office. Can someone tell me if it is worth watching because i love heart of dixie and this looks like a cheap version of heart of dixie virgin river just makes me sad. please tell me
Hi Elza! yes same actor who plays the doctor in town. You should watch a couple of episodes of VR and decide by yourself if it is worth watching.
some people liked it! Give it a chance and let us know!
Virgin River is a much more believable series than H.O.D.! I enjoy plausible fiction, not fantasy. While it’s true that there are some similarities in the main characters VR IS A MUCHNETTRTBSOW
How the heck did Virgin River get greenlighted?! Exactly the same as Hart of Dixie just “darker”. Lost interest
When the main character says “I’ll have you know I’m a Certfied Nurse and a midwife!” Uh…no. They should have
hired a nursing consultant. One is an Advance Practice Registered Nurse, ( APRN or old
Nomenclature ARNP -required to be a midwife) I heard the heroine say that and said “Nope”. No Nurse at that
level of education would ever say that. All you have to say is ” nurse practitioner” or ” midwife”. Boo. Zero credibility.
So if the books that VR is based on came out in 2007 and then H.O.D. comes it in 2014 then VR series comes out in 2019 with so much similarity but different creators is there any chance that the H.O.D. series was halted for legal reasons and VR just picked up with its own ontelectual property?
I thought the same at first. We should ask to HOD series creators to know if someone read VR books before writing the script of the series, shouldn’t we? Could be interesting to know more about the first script of HOD.
I LOVED HOD -and I mean LOVED! Heard about VR and am trying to give it a chance. Shocked here as well they have the same actor playing the exact same character. The thing that bugged me though the most was the first episode and how the nurse handled the baby -I couldn’t stand watching her hold the baby. It looked so unnatural and not nutruting. Perhaps that was done on purpose…all I wanted was for her to find this poor baby a place to sleep and to put her down. LOL!
VR is a pathetic copy of Hart of Dixie which was on Netflix only 5 years ago. HOD was well written, with colorful, interesting characters,beautifully filmed and the actors were excellent. VR’s characters are shallow, the acting mediocre and the story line bland. The laziest aspect of the entire pitiful endeavor is having Tim Mattheson play the very same role again. A total waste of time and money.
I think people are going to like better the one they watch first, I’ve seen HOD first, so now I’m just comparing and VR is definitely loosing, HOD had more cheese humor, and the actors are so much cuter. My opinion!!
Thanks for your feedback Marina! you’re right, Most people like more the one they watch first and compare it to the second one.
I watched HOD years ago and loved it, but would have loved another series as the end was rushed. Started watching VR not long ago and thought it felt familiar (but it didn’t click at first as it had been a while since watching HOD). Still working through VR and enjoying it but it’s a bit too slow for me. I’m on series 3 and the pregnant woman isn’t even showing yet! Both watchable but can’t believe Tim Mathieson playing same character 😂